Corporations, conferences, professional organizations

Keynote Address
Bravery and Confidence Over a Lifetime:
Identify the Problem, Source the Causes and Activate Solutions
Fear is powerful and it can either propel or immobilize us. It is personal and it is pervasive. For women especially, fear plays a critical role by the time we are 11 years old, and we see its effects throughout our lifetime. Women in entry level positions through the C-suite experience self-doubt, an internal barrier that leads them to underestimate their abilities. This confidence deficit leads to lost productivity and diminished personal and professional opportunities. Brave has discovered that working your bravery muscle acts as a conduit to building a belief in your own capacity to take action. This belief is what Brave calls confidence.
After working with over 20,000+ people since 2016, Brave’s research and data demonstrate that we are amidst a confidence crisis for women. Crista answers the questions, “What is happening over a woman’s lifetime?” “What does this mean for women and men in the workplace?” and “How can women build their tolerance, seek risk taking, and build resilience and fortitude in the face of uncertainty?” In an energetic and electric session she shares her own story, the science foundational to Brave’s programming, results from Brave’s research, and equips participants with the tools to activate bravery in their homes, workplaces, communities, and most importantly, themselves.

Patti Phillips
CEO, Women Leaders in College Sports
“Crista is one of the most dynamic and energetic keynotes we have ever had at the Women Leaders in College Sports National Convention! Crista brought her passion and authentic self to the stage as she engaged the audience with her powerful yet practical message to “be more brave.” Crista not only presented a captivating keynote but she fully immersed herself in the convention and engaged with our members for three days. I would highly recommend Crista as a speaker for any organization, institution or group – she will make a powerful impact!”

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