We love braving with you.

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25% OFF Brave Session (Apr-Dec 2020)
40% OFF Brave Session (Jan-Mar 2020)


Spunky copy, legit science, helpful strategies, real-life stories, and A-Z support - consolidated, and rolled into your inbox weekly. 

Raising Brave

A robust guide for adults who are raising, teaching, influencing kids. Science and recommendations featured can be found in this Forbes article.

Download LaxCon Presentation Slides

Quick & easy PDF

We know lacrosse players.

Our dataset is packed with lacrosse players. Here is a summary of our work with players at the Epoch ILWomen Committed Academy in 2019.


What most people want to know about Brave.

Brave Sessions are typically 2 hours long and best run with groups of 30-60. 

What's included:
> Pre-survey of your group (prior to arrival)
> 2 hour Brave Session Experience
> Post-survey of your group (in the room)
> Brave Analysis based on pre- and post-survey results and data collected in the room.
> Optional 30-day text-nudging for your group with callbacks from the session.
> 1 month post-session survey
> Final Brave Report with recommendations.

Email [email protected] for more info.

I started Brave to figure out how we could use bravery as a way to combat the fear that holds us back.

I wanted to create a research firm that was relevant and a science-based practice that was easy to transfer to real life.

Though we have measured significant short-term efficacy, our mission is to figure out a way for this work to predict long term bravery and confidence increases.

Yes! We do Brave Sessions, assemblies and active assemblies for large groups.

Email [email protected] to schedule!

Depression is so personal, but since this is the #1 question asked after a session, I wrote this: Tips On Dealing with Depression

If you are struggling, please reach out to someone, anyone. Me: [email protected].


A few great ways to implement Brave programming - all available in our online store. Use code LAXCON for 20% off all purchases until 1/17.


10 pack of cards, each equipped with its own Brave concept, science or technique. $20


118 pages of reflection questions, activities and advice from Brave participants on ways to be brave in the face of fear. Use it as a personal journal, advisory group guide, or a conversation starter kit. $25


50-packs of each of our 4 trademark post-its: BIGGEST FEAR, 1 WAY TO BE BRAVE, HARD TRUTH, BE WORD. 200 total stickies that make it super easy to scaffold an awesome session . 4 pack / $12

What happens in a Brave session?



What lacrosse people say about Brave.

Cindy Timchal

Head Coach, NAVY

"This program changes lives, guiding players to discover the possibilities of success, love, joy and the ability to reach big goals. Crista came to the Naval Academy and worked with my program and it was an amazing experience. Our players developed an awareness, a confidence and their way of being that translated into practice immediately and into the psyche of the way each of our players saw work and competition. This work is amazing, it's about transforming lives (teams), teaching players to be all in, and to compete hard with heart and courage."

Marissa Giannerini

Head Coach, Embry Riddle

"The Brave sessions made an immediate and palpable impression on my team. Our players were challenged to find their truths, identify their fears, set goals and take brave action to overcome their insecurities. In just two sessions, they were already evolving and understanding that taking risks in the face of adversity meant gaining strength. They truly recognized how powerful it was to their personal development and to the overall vision for our team culture. They gained insight into their teammates and started forming real and deeper bonds as one unit."

Lauran Ciccomoscolo

Director, ACES Lacrosse Club

"Brave is a once in a lifetime experience for people of all ages and genders. Through a series of impactful exercises, Crista and her team help you dig deep inside of yourself, find your fear, examine it, and ultimately change the way that you look at it. A must for anyone looking to elevate themselves and shake hands with their inner badass.

Want more info?

email [email protected]


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