This is an intensive single-day experience that will provide the framework and the support to crack yourself open and reconstitute how you process your pain and your joy.

2020 was a year of being inside ourselves, contained in our homes and our bodies, and our stress, and our fear. As the world loosens again and as we generate hope for how things can be, we emotionally hover between two different lives.

unZIP is designed as an internal dig - a reorganization of how you know your story, tell your story, and live your story.

You get:
🔺 preZIP work packet
🔺 45 minute coaching call with Crista
🔺 3-hour guided virtual small group ZOOM meeting
🔺 unZIP packet
🔺 10 day postZIP email and packet

I am scared as hell, but yes, this. I want to do this. Send me more info.